ICC WCF announces new members of CO Accreditation Chain

The ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) recently announced new members added to the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain, hailing from Brazil, Austria and Italy.
The new Chambers of Commerce added include:
- The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
- The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI)
- and two new Chambers from Italy:
According to the ICC WCF announcement, this takes the total number of CO Chain members to 733 Chambers from 31 countries, issuing 8.5 million COs annually with the official ICC WCF Label.
essCert is fully integrated with the ICC CO Accreditation Chain, enabling Customs Authorities, Counterparties and other relevant trade stakeholders to verify the authenticity of COs issued using essCert (provided that the issuing Chamber is a member of the ICC CO Accreditation Chain).