Indiana Chamber goes live with essCert electronic Certificates of Origin (eCOs)

The Indiana Chamber of Commerce is now live with essCert electronic Certificates of Origin (eCOs).
The Indiana Chamber is the largest, broad-based business advocacy group in the state, representing businesses of all types and sizes throughout Indiana. The Chamber recently added eCOs in their robust list of services to expand its core member benefits and better aid the export businesses.
By adopting essCert, the Chamber aims to streamline and digitize its Certificate of Origin processes and provide a value-add service to its growing member base, saving time and money while ensuring a secure, efficient, and hassle-free process for eCO applicants using the solution.
The Chamber is targeting 100% paperless certification by end of 2022, whereby all CO applications, reviews and approvals will be handled online.
Commenting on the recent go-live, Brock Hesler, Vice President, Membership and Foundation Relations, Indiana Chamber of Commerce, said: “We’re always looking for ways to improve our resources for our members. In this case, we were able to take an existing member benefit and find a partner in essCert that will make this offering significantly more convenient and simple. We’re confident that members with export documentation needs will find this resource to be extremely helpful, and we’re excited to partner with essCert to make it happen.”
Indiana Chamber joins a network of 400+ Chambers of Commerce issuing eCOs out of 21 export countries for imports into over 190 countries across the globe.
Register to apply for eCOs with the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.
Contact essCert to find out more or if you are a Chamber of Commerce / Certifying Body seeking immediate assistance in digitizing your CO and trade document processes.